On [DATE], Those In The Sign Of [SIGN] Will Begin Living The Amazing Life They Were Always Meant To Experience...

(But were cheated out of by a twist of fate)

I hope you are feeling as excited as I am right now, [FNAME]!

Because [DATE] marks a beautiful transformation and shift for you -

Set in motion by a combination of the actions you are taking at this very moment, and the energies in the planets as they are aligning on this day!

Maybe you’ve even felt this stunning change coming on recently in your life [fname]...

Have you been having a hard time sleeping, or maybe waking up with this vague sense “something is on the horizon, something’s coming”...but you don’t know why?

If so, I’m not surprised.

We both know you’re pretty intuitive (if not downright psychic ;-)

Here’s the strange (but true) fact of the matter.

I hope you are feeling as excited as I am right now, [FNAME]!

Because [DATE] marks a beautiful transformation and shift for you -

Set in motion by a combination of the actions you are taking at this very moment, and the energies in the planets as they are aligning on this day!

Maybe you’ve even felt this stunning change coming on recently in your life [FNAME]...

Have you been having a hard time sleeping, or maybe waking up with this vague sense “something is on the horizon, something’s coming”...but you don’t know why?

If so, I’m not surprised.

We both know you’re pretty intuitive (if not downright psychic ;-)

Before we get too much further - let me remind you who I am.

My name is Zendaya and I’ve dedicated my life to guiding soul travelers like you since my own transformation in 1986.

It was while working as a neuroscientist (way back then) that I made a startling discovery so powerful I’m still amazed to this day no one in the world has ever talked about it publicly.

I’m not sure why I was the one that stumbled onto this discovery - instead of one of the more famous men in my field -

But something tells me maybe it was actually BECAUSE I’m a woman…and a clairvoyant.

Yes - I said it! I’m also a clairvoyant (or, seer/reader of fortunes).

You see, while I was originally trained as a neuroscientist, and that was my official job title -

I also spent several years researching astrology, which eventually led me to uncover a surprising bridge between the world of science… and the spiritual world.

And one of the things I came to realize is that everything in the universe - whether it's the planets, or our own human brains - RESONATES.

That is a fancy word that means things vibrate - but not just alone, they actually vibrate together - all at the same time -

And at certain points, when two sounds are matched up perfectly with one another, they harmonize, cause each other to vibrate “in tune” -

And this is called “resonating” together.

It’s not just physical objects, either! Let me ask you something.

Have you ever felt so totally “in tune” with someone, that you almost felt you were vibrating on the same frequency - maybe even read each other’s minds?

This is why we say we “resonate” with someone!

This is also why, when I made that startling discovery back in my lab…

Where I actually heard the literal “sound of the human soul” for the first time ever…

And realized it was a combination of my reading of the sound of a human soul, vibrating in sync with my readings of the planets through astrology…

That I instantly thought to call my discovery…

“Soul Resonance.”

Soul Resonance is a bridge between everything you’ve learned on your spiritual journey…

And the scientific world that requires HARD EVIDENCE to verify if it’s true or not.

Once you listen to the [SIGN] Soul Resonance in a few moments from now you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about.

You’ll understand why, the day after I listened to my own Soul Resonance way back when, in my “previous life” -

I experienced such a sudden shift and stunning changes in my fortunes, that I knew I would somehow, someday, have to find a way to share this with the world!

The crazy thing is that even though everything in my life ended up changing (drastically) for the better…

I didn’t actually have to “change everything.”

In fact, I only changed ONE THING…and this led, one by one, to all the amazing things that happened to me, one after another…following that fateful day.

First, my energy levels skyrocketed…then, my health improved…then, I started getting all sorts of compliments on how I seemed to be “glowing”...

Followed soon after by my income going up…which allowed me to buy new clothes for my vibrant new body…

Followed soon after by my income level going up and living situation improving…

Oh, and did I mention how many times I started getting asked out?

It was even a little weird.

(But - since all that led to me finally finding the Love of my Life and my true Soulmate - you won’t hear me complaining! ;-)


After using myself as the first “guinea pig” for the Soul Resonance process…

And then trying it out on hundreds of other “volunteers” …I began to see a distinct pattern.

It was so predictable, and so startling, that I started calling what happens to people who hear the sound of their soul the
“Domino Effect!”

Here’s how the Domino Effect works:

*(Pay close attention, because this could very well be YOUR experience shortly)!
Domino #1. I get a couple of crucial pieces of information about your Sign and Birth Date so I can do a “Soul Resonance Reading”
(Congratulations, we already got this part done!) 😃

Domino #2. You get your personal Soul Resonance Audio delivered so you can hear it (don’t worry you’ll get a chance to do that further down this page)

Domino #3. As you listen to your special, one-of-a-kind recording every day, your body and mind align and start vibrating to your True Soul Resonance

Domino #4. Soon your body starts to almost “glow” from within. Your health starts to improve, your skin becomes beautiful and vibrant again, people (including possible lovers) sense your vibration and become attracted to you, you start to get new opportunities and benefits in your career.

Domino #5. All of which causes your finances to improve, which gives you even more opportunities to improve your health, self-image and love prospects…
…Until you find yourself living the “ultimate dream life” you always wanted but thought you could never have!

The truth is, [FNAME] - THIS is the life you were supposed to be living all along - following the unique sound of your soul

…But, at some point along the line, at some point in your young life, you became disconnected from your own Soul’s Resonance -

Cut off from the knowledge and intuition of your true self and unique vibration in this universe.

And that’s when things all started to spiral downwards.

That’s when you lost sight of what you really wanted and how to get it…

Until finally (if you’re like me) you found yourself staring at a “stranger in the mirror” …

Not knowing “who you are or how you got here.”

This state of affairs isn’t your fault at all. So don’t worry…

It’s just the nature of living in our overwhelming Modern Society, with all its distractions, disappointments, and unfair Life Events…I’m sure you know what I’m talking about!


This situation is ALL about to be a THING OF THE PAST for you!

Because once you are able to “tune back in” to your Soul Resonance, everything will change.

You see, each thing as it happens to you after that in turn causes a kind of “cascade” of positive and thrilling new reality…

Where you are the center of your own “happily ever after” story like you’d hoped as a child…

Where everything you were MEANT to have in this lifetime starts getting “magically” drawn toward you like moths to a flame….

And all you need to do is tip over that ONE domino to start it all - Tuning Back Into Your Personal Soul Resonance.

Once you do this…

The perfectly aligned vibration you’re broadcasting out into the universe, suddenly begins magnetically drawing everything you truly want towards you…

Job opportunities…beautiful places to live…financial windfalls….best friends…even the love of your life!

Everything, one by one, just starts to “magically” fall into place.

But it’s most definitely NOT magic.

Because (like I explained before) the secret sound I’m about to share with you is 100% based in science.

The science of the body, the science of sound, and the science of the planetary bodies.

[FNAME] you’ve been struggling - and suffering in silence - long enough..
❌Whether it’s stress on your finances…

❌Or a long battle with your health..

❌Or it could be that you’ve felt all alone lately and your significant other or family just doesn’t understand you…
That’s all about to change.

Because today, I’m not just handing you this powerful [SIGN] Soul Resonance and sending you on your way…

I’m also going to create a personalized Soul Reading Report for you in just a few moments! (as soon as you hit that button down below)...

This personalized report will take you by the hand, diving deep into each critical area of your life right now…

You’ll discover the unique gifts that you came to share with others so you can fulfill the mission and wonderful life you were incarnated here to achieve.

You’ll also see the hidden truths about blind spots that are hard to recognize in yourself.

Here’s just a sneak peek at what all is included in your package:
✅Your Personality Soul Code
Discover who you are at the core of your being including your hidden gifts, your blind spots, and what is holding you back in this lifetime.
✅Your Material Abundance Soul Code
Uncover the secrets to the financial and material abundance you know you deserve (but has somehow always escaped you).
✅Your Love & Romance Soul Code
Discover how to have the deeply-connected romantic relationship you’ve always dreamed of. (Also explains how mother and father wounds can hold you back from having the love life you truly want - and how to heal them).
✅ Your Vibrant Health Soul Code
Pinpoint your biggest health challenge and the keys to overcome it so you can have the vibrant energy and health you truly deserve.
Most importantly of all, Your Soul Resonance section will dive into astrology and your unique resonance as a [SIGN] so you can empower yourself to keep changing and attracting what you want, every single day from this moment going forward!

And lastly, the Healing Power of Vibration will show you how sound can help remove trauma from the brain so it no longer holds you back from living the life you were born to live.
“Wow. That’s a lot…how much does all this cost?”

Here’s the best news, [FNAME]...

If you can take quick action today, [fname], you can save an INSTANT 70% off the normal price for your full [SIGN] Soul Resonance package…

That means that amazingly, for Just $19 you’ll get Your [SIGN] Soul Resonance delivered directly to you so you can hear it right away! (Normally you can only get this done by me personally for $39.95 to start).

PLUS, I’ve decided to give you access to your personalized Soul Reading Report absolutely FREE

(This usually costs $39.95 as well, but because I see such a huge energy shift happening right now for you on [DATE] I want you to be able to have it NOW with absolutely nothing getting in the way)!

So, Beautiful Soul, That Means that Today You'll Receive
Your [SIGN] Soul Resonance AND Your personalized Soul Reading report
ALL For Just $19!

But please understand, this is a special offer I’m only making to a few fellow spiritual travelers on [DATE] because of the planetary alignments.

Once things shift back into “normal mode” I’ll have to put my prices back to normal, too!

So don’t wait another second -

Click the button below to get your Soul Resonance AND Soul Reading report delivered today:
You have [COUNTDOWN=3300] minutes left to take advantage of Zendaya’s groundbreaking Soul Resonance audio program for 70% off, just click the button to get yours now…
$47 ONLY $19
*Special sale may end early if reservations are full

And, just in case you need one more reason to make this life-changing decision today…

Know that you are fully protected by my 365-Day Money-Back Guarantee….

Listen… Everyone is amazed to hear their Soul Resonance and read through their Personalized Soul Reading Report!

That’s why it is so easy for me to say this.

I’m giving you 365 days (that’s a whole year!) just to try this out, and if you don’t absolutely love it and want to keep it forever, you won’t pay a dime.

If you don’t feel everything is exactly as I’ve promised (and more)...

Just write me a short message asking for your money back and I will refund every single penny and you can continue on just as you were before, without missing a beat!

No questions asked or reasons needed.
You have [COUNTDOWN=3300] minutes left to take advantage of Zendaya’s groundbreaking Soul Resonance audio program for 70% off, just click the button to get yours now…
$47 ONLY $19
*Special sale may end early if reservations are full

This is your one rare chance to hear Your [SIGN] Soul Resonance AND read your personalized Soul Reading Report 100% Risk-free for 365 days


365-Day Money-Back Guarantee:

I am so confident you will love your personalized Soul Resonance program that I am backing it by my 365-day guarantee.

Listen carefully to every single word about your soul frequency in Your Personalized Soul Resonance Audio Program, and if you don’t feel that it has IMMENSELY empowered you to learn all about your destiny and life mission within the next full year…

Just write us a short message asking for your money back, and we’ll refund every single penny of your investment in your mission-driven abundant future…

No questions asked or reasons needed.
Do you believe the Universe sends us messages just when we need them?

I do.

That’s why I believe there’s a very good reason why you landed on this page with me today…

You are destined to change your life with your Personalized Soul Path Report, and it’s MY destiny to make that as easy for you as possible.

That’s why I’m giving you a chance to get this entire package right now for the ridiculously low price of just $19

(But don’t worry - I have been so blessed by the good financial fortunes that happened to me after discovering my own Soul Resonance - I really don’t even need to make a profit from this. That’s why I can afford to give it away at cost).

Please - take advantage of this special moment in time…

Try your Personalized Soul Reading Report and Soul Resonance audio risk-free and Save 70% off the normal price of $39.95 now…

I hope you will accept this opportunity to change your prospects completely as a gift from me to you, because I truly do want you to live your dream life and become the whole, happy, successful person you were truly born to be!

Your [SIGN] Soul Resonance and personalized Soul Reading report are designed to help you do just that!

Simply click the button below

Once you do. You’ll be taken to our SSL encrypted, secure payment form.

Take a minute to enter all your information accurately and your Soul Reading Report and Soul Resonance will be available for you to download as soon as it’s been created.

Just so you know, I aim to deliver everything within 1 hour or less.
As a life long follower of astrology, I’ve always been fascinated by it’s accuracy and guidance. But I never thought it could offer more, until I met Zendaya. I can honestly say that my entire life has transformed just by listening to my soul resonance every morning and night. How has it changed, you ask? Well the first thing I noticed was after 5 days I stopped getting migraines, which have plagued me my entire life. Then I started to feel more energetic and healthy, as if my body was healing itself from the inside. And since then, it’s just continued to amaze me, I’ve improved my marriage, my finances, and my overall happiness in life day by day. I’m honestly so grateful to Zendaya and her leadership, this is everything I asked for and more! 

Sally Mitchell, Michigan
“I’ve bought a lot of programs online over the years. And I can confidently say, NONE of them come close to this and what it has done for me personally. The audio program makes me feel different inside almost right away as I listen every morning.
I feel more confident about myself, my life and my day ahead. I feel more confident with my job, as a freelance entrepreneur and my ability to make a good living. And I feel more confident in my physical body and how I look at myself in the mirror.
If you saw me just 6 months ago, you’d think it was a totally different man you were talking to. Thank you, thank you, thank you Zendaya.”

Phil Hurtz, San Francisco
You have [COUNTDOWN=3300] minutes left to take advantage of Zendaya’s groundbreaking Soul Resonance audio program for 70% off, just click the button to get yours now…
$47 ONLY $19
*Special sale may end early if reservations are full

[TODAY] Can Be The Day You Remember As “The Day Everything Changed” For You [FNAME]! But Only If You Choose To Take This Exciting Step Today!

That's right... up to now, you’ve been at the mercy of the fates…with your life a result of blind circumstance. Today, it's finally up to YOU.

YOU get to choose the life you truly want to live.

YOU get to see clearly ahead the path in front of you.

And YOU get to step into the “true you” of the future.

If you choose, it can all begin right now [FNAME].
You have [COUNTDOWN=3300] minutes left to take advantage of Zendaya’s groundbreaking Soul Resonance audio program for 70% off, just click the button to get yours now…
$47 ONLY $19
*Special sale may end early if reservations are full

Still Have Questions?

I know you may be wondering how this all works and how you are supposed to get started today. So here’s the most common questions I get asked so you can feel upmost confidence in this process

Question #1: How will I get access to my audio program?

The way the process works is, once you click the button you’ll go directly to a secure encrypted checkout page. It’s the same encryption that banks and other large corporations use, so it’s completely safe! And then, once you finish submitting your payment of $47 $19 during this limited time special offer, you’ll get an email with download instructions where you can access the program instantly online.

Question #2: How does this program work, exactly?

As a result of recent advancements in science, we are now able to mimic the exact energetic frequencies emitted by the planets at the time of your birth. It’s truly remarkable being able to do this, because it allows you to enter a state of harmony with your soul resonance vibrating throughout your body. This technology is new and unlike anything you’ve experienced just try it and see for yourself
You have [COUNTDOWN=3300] minutes left to take advantage of Zendaya’s groundbreaking Soul Resonance audio program for 70% off, just click the button to get yours now…
$47 ONLY $19
*Special sale may end early if reservations are full
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